mardi 20 novembre 2007


Here are my questions I had to write about ''The Radicalism at Our Doors''.

1. Do you think Pakistan immigrants have the rights to keep their Islamic values as they gain their Canadian citizenship? Why?

2. Pakistan provides an average of 13,000 immigrants to Canada every year. Do you think it would be better if Canadian government lower the rate of immigration and focus on immigrants already in the country?

3. Pakistani extremism is a threat to us. Why is Immigration so ill-designed to handle it?

4. What do you think would happen if Canadian government decides to remove the right to wear the Hijab?

5. Students at the Red Mosque in Islamabad are probably the most violence kids raised in Pakistan. To prevent this threat, should Canadian government refuse the right to let those students immigrate the country, even as it come in polarity with the Charter?

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