mardi 20 novembre 2007


Here are my questions I had to write about ''The Radicalism at Our Doors''.

1. Do you think Pakistan immigrants have the rights to keep their Islamic values as they gain their Canadian citizenship? Why?

2. Pakistan provides an average of 13,000 immigrants to Canada every year. Do you think it would be better if Canadian government lower the rate of immigration and focus on immigrants already in the country?

3. Pakistani extremism is a threat to us. Why is Immigration so ill-designed to handle it?

4. What do you think would happen if Canadian government decides to remove the right to wear the Hijab?

5. Students at the Red Mosque in Islamabad are probably the most violence kids raised in Pakistan. To prevent this threat, should Canadian government refuse the right to let those students immigrate the country, even as it come in polarity with the Charter?

The Radicalism at Our Doors


In this article, Khan talks about immigrants, especially Islamic immigrants from Pakistan and Afghanistan. A lot of countries already have their own immigration plan like the United Kingdom. Of all the countries where immigrants go, the U.K is by far the country that gets the highest recipient of Pakistan immigrants. From several years already, Canada had been using the same immigration plan as the British government. Islamic immigration is one of the most controversial kinds of immigration. Some agree with the idea that Pakistan immigrants that come to Canada can keep their values and traditions, but others disagree with this idea.


One of the most controversial topic or News topic that has been on for now almost a year is probably Pakistan immigration. When they immigrate here, in Canada for example, what’s annoyed people the most is that they keep their values and traditions, that often come against our. Even if Pakistan provides 13,000 immigrants to our country every year, Canadian government should put a limit to their values. In their country, about half of the population is trained with the ideology of war and revolution. That’s what Canadian government has problem with: it’s hard to differentiate the “pro-Jihad” and the Muslims tired of extremist in their home country.

jeudi 25 octobre 2007

The Carpenter

The Carpenter

In the late 1950’s, it was really hard to immigrate in a new country. In the play, The Carpenter, the Rosato family faced a number of challenges when they imigrated to Montreal. The first challenge they faced was that Silvio Rosato had to left his pregnante wife and his two children back in Italy. In Montreal he worked hard to find a job and raise some money so he his wife and his children would come to him and he would already had something build here. The money was a real problem to anyone living in the late 1950’s. In the play, Rosato went to visit his father in Chicago and asked to help him by giving him some money. His father totally denied his offer and then Silvio had to be on his own to raise his family. Another aspect really important in this play, it’s the place that family takes. As the play move on, we can see how close are each family members together, not only because of the memory loss and failing health of the father, but probably because of the value that Silvo taught to his children. The Rosato family is probably one of many typical immigrated family image. They all live for each other, they are open to listen each other and we can easily see the hardeness of the links that link each other together.

dimanche 9 septembre 2007

Our Girls Are Not Guinea Pigs


In this Maclean’s issue, the front page’s article is probably about the most serious problem for girls age from 9 to 16. Gardasil is the new vaccine that protects young girls against four strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV). Mostly un Canada, after only one injection, the immune girl start to feel real bad : headaches, neck and back pain, and for some, paralysis. The manufacturer of Gardasil doesn’t see proof that his vaccine is responsible for these illnesses. With the new generation of kids, parents found it easier to pay around $400 to get their daughter vaccine than to sit and talk to them about condoms that reduce even more the chance of getting HPV.


With all the complaints about the side effects of Gardasil in the country, Merck Frost Canada Ltd. sees no proof that Gardasil is responsible for the illnesses or deaths of girls around the ages of 9 to 26 years old. It is essential that the Canadian Medical Association put more money into the research of better form of Gardasil or just ban it until the vaccine gets better. Many province around Canada already had their plans for mass immunization. Happily, our province didn’t launch its program and, with what happened in the other provinces, the Canada Medical Association should put a stop on this vaccine, so our girls won’t have to suffer the desease of Gardasil.

mardi 22 mai 2007

Animation Flash - Daniel Fortin

Voila mon clin d'oeil à Daniel Fortin.

P.S Il faut cliquer sur l'image.

mercredi 2 mai 2007

Spider-Man, pour vrai?

Un chercheur affirme que le costume du héros de bande-dessinées Spider-Man n'est pas aussi futuriste qu'il le semble. Il travaille sur sa propre technologie d'adhérence depuis 10 ans.

Nicola Pugno est un chercheur de 35 ans de l'Université Polytechnique de Turin. Au cours de la dernière décennie, ses travaux se sont concentrés sur une technologie d'adhérence. Selon lui, un costume comme celui de Spider-Man pourrait être créé d'ici une dizaine d'années. L'exemple, mis en évidence par Pugno pour cette recherche, est celui des lézards de la famille des geckonidés. Ces reptiles sont dotés de lamelles adhésives, sous les pattes, qui leur permettent de grimper et coller à plusieurs types de surfaces - ce que le chercheur tente de recréer du mieux qu'il le peut en laboratoire.

« Un des problèmes qui a émergé est le contrôle de l'adhérence, parce que demeurer attaché à un mur n'est pas difficile. Tout ce que vous avez à faire c'est de l'attacher avec une colle forte. Mais comment le détachez et l'attacher à nouveau? », se questionne Nicola Pugno, avant d'ajouter qu'un « gécko qui marche dans le sable doit nettoyer ses pattes après quelques pas. »

La technologie pourrait, selon lui, avoir des impacts sur l'espace et les cosmonautes. Ces derniers seraient vêtus de costumes munis d'un système d'adhérence à suction.

Par Michaël Bertiaux
Publié le 27 Avril 2007

Gare aux pièges USB!

Une nouvelle tactique des pirates informatiques prend la forme de clés USB. On sait que les clés USB sont des outils indispensables pour plusieurs individus. Leur statut de disques durs miniatures permet entre autres de transférer des fichiers d'un ordinateur à un autre sans passer par l'Internet ou un réseau. Or, des pirates informatiques ont trouvé une autre vocation à ces gadgets : propager des chevaux de Troie (Trojan Horse).

L'histoire inspirant cette constatation s'est déroulée à Londres il y a un peu plus d'une semaine, dans un stationnement. Des clés USB y auraient été laissées afin d'infecter avec un programme malicieux les ordinateurs des utilisateurs qui les auraient utilisées après les avoir trouvées. Le but du programme était de voler l'identité bancaire de ces utilisateurs.

Selon Mikko Hypponen, officier en chef des recherches de la firme de sécurité F-Secure, les chevaux de Troie deviennent la méthode de prédilection pour les pirates informatiques. Elle dépasse même l'hameçonnage, cette technique qui consiste à voler des données confidentielles par le biais de faux courriels. Encore plus étonnant, ces codes sont vendus en Russie pour une somme oscillant entre 2000 et 5000 dollars américains. Les deux groupes majeurs se nomment SE-Code et Corpse. Des codes sont aussi vendus au Brésil.

Le réflexe veut qu'une clé USB soit synonyme d'innocence. Soyez sûrs de toujours vérifier la provenance de votre matériel et de ne jamais prendre de risques. La même règle s'appliquait à l'époque des disquettes, mais aujourd'hui, les pirates se sont raffinés, de là le conseil de prévoyance.

Par Michaël Bertiaux
Publié le 28 Avril 2007