dimanche 9 septembre 2007

Our Girls Are Not Guinea Pigs


In this Maclean’s issue, the front page’s article is probably about the most serious problem for girls age from 9 to 16. Gardasil is the new vaccine that protects young girls against four strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV). Mostly un Canada, after only one injection, the immune girl start to feel real bad : headaches, neck and back pain, and for some, paralysis. The manufacturer of Gardasil doesn’t see proof that his vaccine is responsible for these illnesses. With the new generation of kids, parents found it easier to pay around $400 to get their daughter vaccine than to sit and talk to them about condoms that reduce even more the chance of getting HPV.


With all the complaints about the side effects of Gardasil in the country, Merck Frost Canada Ltd. sees no proof that Gardasil is responsible for the illnesses or deaths of girls around the ages of 9 to 26 years old. It is essential that the Canadian Medical Association put more money into the research of better form of Gardasil or just ban it until the vaccine gets better. Many province around Canada already had their plans for mass immunization. Happily, our province didn’t launch its program and, with what happened in the other provinces, the Canada Medical Association should put a stop on this vaccine, so our girls won’t have to suffer the desease of Gardasil.